General Terms and Conditions (GTC) for Kinky Fetishescort

1. Definitions

- Agency: [Kinky Fetishescort], the company providing escort services.
- Client: Any individual or entity using the services provided by the Agency.
- Escort: An individual contracted or employed by the Agency to provide companionship services.
- Services: The companionship services offered by the Agency.

2. Scope of Services

- The Agency provides companionship services as described on its website and promotional materials.
- Services are provided in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

3. Booking and Appointments

- Booking Process: Clients can book services through the Agency’s website, phone, or email.
- Appointment Confirmation: Appointments are confirmed via email or text message once payment is received.
- Changes and Cancellations: Clients must notify the Agency of any changes or cancellations at least 24 hours in advance. Failure to do so may result in a cancellation fee.

4. Payment Terms

- Pricing: Service prices are listed on the Agency’s website and are subject to change without notice.
- Payment Methods: Accepted payment methods include credit cards, bank transfer and other methods specified by the Agency.
- Refunds: Refunds are provided at the Agency’s discretion and are subject to the Agency’s refund policy.

5. Client Responsibilities

- Clients must provide accurate and complete information when booking services.
- Clients are responsible for ensuring a safe and respectful environment for Escorts.
- Clients must comply with all applicable laws and regulations when using the Agency’s services.

6. Escort Responsibilities

- Escorts are required to adhere to the Agency’s code of conduct and provide services in a professional manner.
- Escorts must report any issues or concerns to the Agency promptly.

7. Privacy and Confidentiality

- The Agency is committed to protecting the privacy of Clients and Escorts. Personal information is collected, used, and stored in accordance with the Agency’s privacy policy.
- The Agency will not disclose personal information to third parties without consent, except as required by law.

8. Liability and Disclaimers

- The Agency is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use of its services.
- The Agency does not guarantee the availability of specific Escorts and reserves the right to substitute Escorts as necessary.
- The Agency is not responsible for the actions or behavior of Clients or Escorts during a scheduled appointments.

9. Code of Conduct

- For Clients:

- Respect Escorts’ boundaries and personal space.
- No illegal activities or substances are permitted during appointments.
- Respect the agreed-upon terms and services.

- For Escorts:

- Maintain professionalism and respect Clients’ privacy.
- Adhere to the Agency’s guidelines and policies.

10. Termination and Suspension

- The Agency reserves the right to terminate or suspend services to any Client or Escort who violates these terms and conditions.
- Termination or suspension may occur without prior notice in cases of severe misconduct.

11. Amendments

- The Agency reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time. Clients and Escorts will be notified of any significant changes.

12. Contact Information

- For any questions or concerns regarding these terms and conditions, please contact the Agency at:
- Email: